Category Archive Technique


Beginners Focus – Posture and Grip

When taking up the game of golf there are two things that will help you to hit the ball effectively, your athletic posture and a proper grip.


When playing any sport that requires an explosive or strong movement, posture is a key component to playing well.  Think of a baseball player when they’re at bat.  The knees are bent, the back is straight and they are bent at the hips.  Hockey players are in the same posture when they take a shot at the net.  Volleyball players are in a similar position when they are waiting for the serve or spike.

It’s the same in golf.  At address, bend your knees and bend at the hips until your arms can hang comfortably under your shoulders.  Plant your feet about shoulder width apart and get a sense of the athleticism of your stance without a club in your hand.  I find that my stance is the most powerful when I can feel my thighs and core working a little harder than normal to stay in my posture.

A strong posture will help you to keep your spine at the proper angle during your entire swing. It will also help you to stay balanced in your follow through.

Balanced Finish

Balanced Finish



Your grip is the only connection your hands have to the golf club.  This is why it’s so important to know how to grip the club properly.  There are three ways that you can effectively grip the club, interlocking, overlapping and ten finger grip.  Another aspect to gripping the golf club will help to determine ball flight and clubface angle, strong, neutral or weak grip.

Interlocking Grip

This is the most popular grip for golfers.  I find this grip works well for me and gives me stability when I swing the club.  An interlocking grip is when the index finger of your lead hand, or your gloved hand, is crossed over the pinky finger of your trailing hand.  It can help prevent the club from spinning in your hands when hitting out of the rough or when you take a divot on your iron shots.

Overlapping Grip

This grip popular with some golfers.    An overlapping grip is when the index finger of your lead hand in on top of the pinky finger of your trailing hand.  Some golfers can control the clubface quite well using this grip.  I use this grip when I am putting and I feel more in control of the putter head.

Ten Finger (Baseball) Grip

This is the least popular among golfers.  A ten finger grip is when the index finger of your lead hand is pressed up against the pinky of your trailing hand.  Hockey players and baseball players may feel more comfortable using this grip.

Neutral Grip

A neutral grip is when the hands are directly in line with the clubface.  This grip makes it easier to keep the clubface square though impact.  A neutral grip allows you to shape the ball with subtle wrist rotations.

Strong Grip

A strong grip position is when your hands are rotated away from the target on the shaft.  This grip can impart more power into your swing and increase distance.  Your shots will tend to go from right to left for right handers and the opposite for left handers.  Your ball flight will also be lower than a neutral grip.

Weak Grip

A weak grip position is when your hands are rotated towards the target on the shaft.  This will generally cause your shots to fly higher and fade to the right for right handers.  Chances are you won’t get the maximum distance desired with this grip.