Improve Your Short Game

Worldwide, golf is a multi-billion dollar industry. There is a lot of information out there on how we can develop our shot-making prowess on the golf course.  Golf Magazines, instruction books and videos, weekly television shows, smartphone apps and internet websites are available to help you advance your golf game to the next level.  Golf club manufacturers are constantly changing designs developing new technology to help us make a better shots on the golf course.  The best way to drop your scores and build more confidence is to improve your short game.

Golfing into the sunset

Which type of golfer are you?

  • Avid Golfer
  • Weekend Warrior
  • Casual Golfer (1-2 games/month)
  • Occasional Golfer (3-4 games/year)

Whichever type you relate to, the reasons to improve are many and varied;  To impress your boss at the annual company tournament,  win some money from your buddies on the weekend, lower your handicap, or make a birdie once in a while.

Amateur golfers, on average, hit the green in regulation 20-30% of the time.  We are scrambling, on average, 12-14 holes each round we play.  Having the proper equipment for your short game is paramount.  Knowing how to use the various wedges in your bag for different situations will give you the best chance to get the ball close and save par.  Every golfer has different preferences for which wedges he has in his bag and how many he carries.  Proper fitting can help you to decide which lofts and lies would be best for you.

Proper setup is key

Once we are on the green, we still have to get the ball in the hole.  Our putter is the most used club in our bag.  Picking a putter that will work for us isn’t easy.  Spending hours at the golf store or on the practice green at our home club is usually how we figure out which putter we like.  Having a putter that you are comfortable with will help to eliminate those dreaded 3 and 4 putts.  Proper fitting will help you choose a putter that works well for you.

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